Our venues are in the centre of Budapest.
Hungary - Budapest
As in our other locations, we use our contacts and local knowledge to provide you with an authentic cultural experience and a school visit.
This course is planned, delivered and organised with our Hungarian partner organisation The Bilingual Program. www.bilingual.hu
Janet Streeter, and more recently her colleagues, have been working in Bilingual’s Primary and Secondary schools for nearly 15 years now. We train their teachers and teacher trainers on a regular basis. We are delighted to be able to offer our residential courses in this cosmopolitan and vibrant city.
The Bilingual Program has a unique and fascinating approach to Bilingual Education. A native speaker of English and a Hungarian teacher work in tandem in the same classroom. The students attend from kindergarten upwards and their whole education up until and including High School takes place in two languages, apart from dedicated English language tutorials in the afternoons. Of course, this involves the implementation of CLIL.
About the course
Our residential CLIL course is delivered in English by a Cumbria CLIL tutor and Bilingual Program native-speaker teacher trainers, all of whom have been trained by Janet Streeter.
On the course, you will also meet and collaborate with English native-speaker teachers who are using CLIL in their classrooms in Budapest. This is an excellent opportunity to be immersed in English during your stay. You will take part in a dedicated school visit to observe bilingual lessons in your subject area/age-group.
There are excursions and free time to explore the city.
This course is eligible for Erasmus Plus funding.